Blatherin Blatherskites!

Super awesome attention grabbing lead in! WOW! I bet no one will click on THIS!?  If you love me, you will like and share this and give me all your money!  If you don’t, you hate me and you can never have the opportunity to bask in the gloriousness of my friendship ever again. So, I actually really hate that kind of stuff on Facebook.  Please stop sharing it.

Okay, if one person doesn’t share at least guilt inducing Facebook marketing post they may have otherwise posted before reading that, I  will have done some good in the world today.

Continue reading “Blatherin Blatherskites!”


What are “nonnies” you may ask?  Some secret subterranean race?  A magical crystal that imbues children with the power of super heroes?  Or just another word the spell check gets upset about?

Continue reading “Nonnies”

Let’s try this again…

It has been nearly a year and a half since my last post.

Just in case you were wondering, no children yet.  But even if we did, I want to continue this blog.  The adventure does not stop once the adoption occurs.

Some things have changed which have been a bit discouraging.  The organization (LDS Family Services) we were going through stopped doing adoptions.  They will provide some services, but due to a high number of interested couples, low number of children being placed, and a want to emphasize on providing services for birth mothers has caused them to stop doing the actual adoptions themselves.  We can still turn to them for advice or to consult, but no actual adoption.

Continue reading “Let’s try this again…”

Best Uncle (and Aunt) Ever! Part 2

And So It Goes…

And so continues the saga of the Best Uncle (and Aunt) ever. (If you missed part 1, read it here: Best Uncle (and Aunt) Ever!)  This installment is a little bit longer, so make sure you have gone to the bathroom before you read it so you don’t have to stop at the gas station along the way. Last time when we left, Rocky and Bullwinkle were hurtling out of control into the sun on the International Space Station when… no, no, that’s not right.  I’m pretty sure the International Space Station didn’t exist during the height of popularity of (how Boris and Natasha would say) Moose & Squirrel. Continue reading “Best Uncle (and Aunt) Ever! Part 2”

A Birth Mother’s story reposted

Friends! It seems like 2012 AND 2013 went by so fast. While we were busy living life we realized that we didn’t devote too much attention to our blog. We are working to change that and will have some new posts this month so please check back.

As I have read through the posts that we have shared the one that continues to have a special place in my heart is one that Craig posted. It has a wonderful message and I feel is worth sharing again at the following link:

I hope you will take a brief moment to view this video. Many happy wishes to you and yours this coming year. May your lives be blessed and may you find joy in the journey.

February – March 2012

February was a good month for us. After weeks of studying Craig passed his Microsoft Certification Test!  He also finished up his Capstone Project. Now finished with his Bachelors he was able to set aside his schooling for a season, trading in nights and weekends of endless study for a job promotion and raise and some much needed family and down time.  I finished up my last few weeks of on the job training at the JetBlue Center allowing me to transition from working full-time at the center to being able to work part-time in my home office.  Now that we were officially “grown-ups” [Keep in mind I we say this every time we transition into another phase of our lives – at this rate we will be young FOREVER!] we decided to upgrade our very outdated appliances.

With more time open Craig was able to devote more time to his church responsibilities and family and we continued to prepare for baby – working to get our online adoption profile ready. Adoption has changed a lot over the years. Instead of going home to wait for a baby we were told to start preparing a plan for finding our baby. I love that we can keep ourselves busy and be an active part in finding the rest of our family instead of just waiting for them to come to us.

January 2012

2012 came and went so fast! I will be attempting to catch up some of our adventures and post some pictures.

January 2012:

To start this I should probably back up a couple of months. October 2011 .. a busy month. While seeing fertility specialists to determine why we still unsuccessful at having children, we felt very strongly that we needed to start the adoption process. We spoke with a caseworker at LDSFS and determined that they were the right option for us to start the process. We attended a very educational weekend of adoption panels and heard life accounts from Birth Mothers and Fathers, Adoptive Couples and grown adopted children. It was amazing to us to find out just how many people’s lives have been blessed through adoption. We met with our caseworker again and received our binder of information to read and our checklists of state required forms to start on. They said it can take months to put together all of the paperwork and references but I felt a need to accomplish the majority of it before the holidays. It was a good feeling to have the bulk of our paperwork turned in before we headed out to Montana for Christmas.

 I had applied for a job at JetBlue Airways. After several interviews and weeks of waiting I got a callback to let me know I could start work two days after Christmas! So, with a wonderful Montana Christmas we hurried back home so I could start.  Four weeks later I graduated from JetBlue University training as a Reservation Specialist. It does come with some amazing perks, namely travel benefits and the flexibility of being able to work from my home office. Craig was working hard to finish up his last semester of school at Western Governor’s bringing his total credit load to 32 credits this semester! We were both anxiously awaiting opening up a new chapter of life after school.


It is hard to believe just how quickly 2012 went by. As I have looked back I feel like we were just making New Year resolutions for 2012 and then there we were at 2013 … and now here it is May! 2012 was full of love and laughter and adventures. I am so grateful for my dear Craig for keeping up on our blog when he can. I share his blogging thoughts – sometimes it IS so hard to write blog posts. It isn’t just a matter of sitting down and writing about the most resent news in our world – although it should be, shouldn’t it? What starts out as the simplicity of sharing a story turns to facing the reasons behind our decision to adopt – confronting infertility and the emotions that go with it.  Even though we haven’t found our baby yet, we are full of hope for the thought of being able to find the members of our family through adoption. We know so many people whose lives’ have been affected for good through adoption. We are thankful for the birth mothers and birth fathers and for the love they have for their children to place them with loving couples who can provide them with every opportunity they would want them to have.

There are a lot of misconceptions that get linked with the adoption process. What we have found that there is an untrue belief that birth mothers and birth fathers don’t love their children – that they are “giving them up” for adoption because they don’t want them. Birth parents love their children – they want them.  They also want to be able to provide the best life for their child . The love they have for their child and the sincere desire to place their child in a home with a loving couple who can provide the “best life” often trumps the desire to give them a “good enough life”.  I don’t know of one birth parent who has said it was an easy decision for them to do – quite the opposite. Most say it was the hardest thing they have ever had to do. They think of that child every day of the rest of their lives, but because they love their child and wanted a better life for them, they were able to make that decision.

Their choice doesn’t just affect them or the child. That child has grandparents, aunts & uncles and cousins before placement and gains  a whole bunch more after.  Children placed through adoption have to be the most loved children in the world! 🙂 And all because of a birth parents decision of love. It creates a ripple effect impacting individuals, families and generations. My heart is full of gratitude for birth mothers and birth fathers and for the selfless sacrifice they make for their children.